Body Fat Test NW

The Process

Easy, Accurate & Safe

Scheduling & Prep

One of the advantages of our Body Fat Test is its simplicity. First, you schedule your appointment for an upcoming time that is convenient for you.  You can do that online using our Google Calendar and details on where our van will be when.  Our trucks are mobile and on the move every single day.  So why not make their destination your event or business?


All you need to do is get in contact with us to make the request.  Our next testing site could be at your front door!


Please make sure to show up about 10 minutes beforehand. Also bring your bathing suit and a towel.  We do not provide towels.  For your convenience our traveling truck has a changing area for your use. You then change into the bathing suit you have brought with you.  Now we're ready to start collecting data!

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Data In, Data Out

We take a series of measurements for input data. That includes data like height, weight and age.  If you have taken past tests we can also review that.  Information is recorded both digitally and with various checks and other notes. This input data is essential to ensuring the most accurate body fat test possible.


At this time we can also cover any questions you have about the test, how it relates to your training and/or general fitness and health.  


Body Fat Test Prep

Time For The Tank

Then it's into the tank! The tank has already been prepped with water for your test. The water is filtered and chlorinated for sanitation.  The water is also at a temperature of 95 degrees Fahrenheit for your comfort.  You exhale all oxygen and then go completely under the water for the weighing process.  We typically repeat the weighing process a few times in order to ensure the most accurate results.  You are welcome to plug your noise with your hand and close your eyes while underwater. You will only be underwater for approximately 10 seconds for a given test.


We have been asked "hey, I don't like water, think I can still take the test?" The answer is YES. In over 10 years of conducting tests we have yet to have someone who was unable to take the test. Not only is our test more accurate than alternatives out there, it is also safe. Our test only uses water. It's easy, it's fast and then we get to the exciting part...results!   

Body Fat Test Tank
Body Fat Test After

Accurate Data To Measure Progress

Results are digitally created and available as a (INSERT description) that we can email to you. Furthermore, we can also cover results with you, especially if this is a part of a series of tests as you track your progress over time. The results are easy-to-understand and we are happy to answer any questions that you have following the test.


Several of our clients have been regularly taking tests for years as part of fitness training and goals. That's why we regularly schedule our visits to local gyms and fitness centers!  In addition, we have worked with gyms and offices to integrate our body fat tests into planned training programs.  

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body fat test natural